Dragon Tavern Wiki

Gambling is an in-game recreational activity that will either drive you nuts with greed or nuts with rage. You will either win big and celebrate by hitting the bar and getting blasted drunk, or loose it all and go cry into your beer, oh wait your broke... just cry. You have a 47 percent chance of winning.


There are five games in total and which one you get is totally random. The flavor text describing your outcome can be quite funny. The games are:

  • Rooski Wand Roulette - Your character is given a wand which may or may not be charged and says the magic word. Maybe the wand goes bang...
  • Mung Skull - your character and another patron put pots on your heads and slam into each other. Dont pass out.
  • Chug-A-Lugs - Can you drink your foe under the table?
  • Belcher's Gambit - can you out burp your foe? Can you knock the froth off the beer of the cheering patrons in the front three rows?
  • Reindeer Games - bahumbug...(see picture)

The only in put the player has is the amount of Gold they wish to bet. The rest is decided by the random number generator. Good luck!


The odds are not in your favor. You have a 47% of winning and a 53% chance of loosing.


Time Twister

If you like gambling with Gold maybe you'll want to do it with Action Points. The odds are the same. The ability to do this is unlocked with the Immortal Power of Time Twister and is activated only in the tavern.


Players with Reaper can gamble double or nothing for there Reaper XP Debt pay off account.
